100 Days of Code

Day 0

Starting #100DaysOfCode in an effort to maintain momentum working on an app I've wanted to see through for years. /scream I feel so exposed tweeting this :'D Wish me luck!~ #100daysofcodechallenge

Day 1

Day 1 of #100daysofcode. Learnt to set up a project with Objection.js with the help of the amazing twitch chat (ty Matt & donnY). That took about three hours, give or take 🀣😭🀣😭 #100daysofcodechallenge

Day 2

Day 2 of #100DaysOfCode
Drew up an ERD in VS Code, added the basic Objection.js models to my project, and figured out the Knex migrations.

Next: Convert to TypeScript, then finish models. Excited I even got this far without taking an entire day :'D #100daysofcodechallenge

Day 3

Day 3 of #100DaysOfCode
Converted to TypeScript, migrations and models completed. I think.

I guess I might be getting the hang of backend stuff. I'll let that thought linger until my next hair-tearing issue... Probs tomorrow. :3


Day 4

Day 4 of #100DaysOfCode
Added forgotten tables, models, and migrations. Oops. πŸ™ƒ 2 AM chat with the co-founder was productive. Apparently Argon2 > Bcrypt... So lots of research for me, aiyooo~

Web sockets and auth for the next few weeks πŸ˜…πŸ˜­πŸ€£ ded.


Day 5

Day 5 of #100DaysOfCode
Wanted to do auth but nooo. Thwarted by a src dir as ts root and Logan (rightly) insisting we change knex files to .ts. Like 5 hours on Twitch stream inc. distractions but it's doonnee!~

Auth tomorrow. COMIN' FOR YOU, ARGON2 /yell


Day 6

Day 6 of #100DaysOfCode
Was gonna dig into Argon2 but Logan beat me to it. Set up the chat app stuff instead and learnt about Argon2id, OAuth2, PKCE, and Flutter. Sockets tomorrow!

Code effort level feels basic af but oh well. Action > inaction.


Day 7

Day 7 of #100DaysOfCode
Started with web sockets. Spent FOREVER on Flutter vs Electron which became flutter vs electron vs ionic vs revelry(?) vs nativescript and then Twitch chat helped me settle on Cordova 🀣. Rest of the night was on chat UIs.


Day 8

Day 8 of #100DaysOfCode
Spent like four hours getting an hour's worth of work done but at least the socket connections are working, I guess πŸ™ƒ I'll make more progress tomorrow. I've got South African biscuits and sweets for company 😈🀀πŸ₯°


Day 9

Day 9 of #100DaysOfCode
Chat messages can be sent from the client in a separate folder... With a profanity filter :3 Oh, the power!

Still trying to figure out scenarios where (web socket) event acknowledgement is useful.

#100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/9XgIPy9gM6

Day 10

Day 10 of #100DaysOfCode
Progressed from yesterday! UI can be disabled temporarily and then updated once the acknowledgement is received and the server's done its thing. Double submission prevented. User confirmations. Etc. :D Woo!~


Day 11

Day 11 of #100DaysOfCode
We now have chat channels and messages being posted :D And some rough markup until I start working on the frontend. Storage is coming up next and that's gonna be... Fun... Right?...

Expecting tomorrow to be a struggle :')


Day 12

Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode

Didn't get much code done (just started on users and storage) but did work on wireframing. I feel like that doesn't count but I rather plan before jumping right in.


Day 13

Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode
Managed to get users chatting in individual channels, a list of active users, and auto-scrolling for the chat window. Probs gonna look up more scrolling methods, and more about sockets.

Biding time until I add Cordova πŸ˜…


Day 14

Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode
Installed Cordova. Finally managed to get browser, Electron *and* Android emulators working!! But now Twitch Chat suggested Capacitor so if anyone's got opinions on Cordova vs Capacitor I'd appreciate them <3


Day 15

Day 15 of #100DaysOfCode
In true Tabs fashion, I switched from Cordova to Capacitor - all that time configuring during stream for nothing xD Still trying to set up Aurelia PWA w/Capacitor but that's future Tabs' problem

Too bad that's tomorrow's Tabs 🀣


Day 16

Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode
Spent my app time today doing research and starting on Svelte. >_> So far so good! Simple is great. Tomorrow I'll finish the tutorial stuff and get the PWA started... which will be less simple probably... >_>


Day 17

Day 17 of #100DaysOfCode
Busy day. Found it difficult to concentrate this late on little sleep. Managed to get through some more basic Svelte stuff - I want to say it looks easy af but I think the tutorial content is handled exceptionally well. πŸ₯°


Day 18

Day 18 of #100DaysOfCode

Finished the rest of the Svelte tutorial! Will do some other tutorials tomorrow and have a look at Sapper. πŸ™ƒ I'm still being slow but better than nothing!~


Day 19

Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode
Wow, actually starting this on the 19th instead of before I go to bed on the 20th in the early AM :P

Set up the Sapper/Svelte project and slowly learning my way around it. Seems as simple as Aurelia tbh >_>


Day 20

Day 20 of #100DaysOfCode

Set up routes in Sapper. Still trying to figure out SSR, page vs server routes, and what I lose (?) by splitting the frontend and backend. Lots of reading to do!


Day 21

Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode

Got the basic routes and layout sorted on twitch stream :D Will work on the dynamic routes next. Looking forward to it! AND it's still before midnight 🀣🀣


Day 22

Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode

Still stuck on dynamic routes with Svelte/Sapper. πŸ™ƒ No idea what's up - my files are almost identical - but it'll take another day probs. *siiiigghhh* This is what I get for working tired af.


Day 23

Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode

Conditional rendering of components dependent on the route for navigation is dooooneee!

Sometimes I'm happier with doing a lot less that day particularly if I've made a tiny but significant dent in something.

#100daysofcodechallenge #svelte https://t.co/UQc1fgyt0s

Day 24

Day 24 of #100DaysOfCode

Dealing with 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined'. Gonna take a while πŸ™ƒ

At least I woke up earlier to code and avoid a late night. I am seemingly getting a slight grasp on daylight hours :')

#svelte #100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/O6RBfXMpkP

Day 25

Day 25 of #100DaysOfCode

Note to self: stop changing variables manually and just select all + replace. Hot damn, that caused HOURS of me going wtf why is this not working??

Fixed yesterday's error. Dynamically generated menu items done!~

#100daysofcodechallenge #svelte https://t.co/1noZcVZe9F

Day 26

Day 26 of #100DaysOfCode

Spent TWO HOURS on Twitch stream figuring out why the Sapper app wasn't even *loading* and it turns out it couldn't fetch the json 'cause I mistyped a route. Dammit.

Then prepped for splitting FE/BE.

#100daysofcodechallenge #svelte https://t.co/uz60TEzvOI

Day 27

Day 27 of #100DaysOfCode

I had a friend once bemoan 'dependencies' this and 'dependencies' that and basically 'fuck those dependencies'. I just looked at him in amusement.

That is now me.πŸ™ƒ

Knex and sqlite3 are not playing nice.


Day 28

Day 28 of #100DaysOfCode

Going backwards today :') Finally re-installed node and nvm but now zshwon't play nice and idk what's happening. All of this for some random af error I can't yet figure out how it happened in the first place πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ



Day 29

Day 29 of #100DaysOfCode

Took a break from Grid today and worked through React - code-splitting, state, context, class fields - basic stuff, but want to hone my understanding of fundamentals. Might slow down Grid a bit for a couple of weeks.


Day 30

Day 30 of #100DaysOfCode

I'll admit I spent 100% of my time today on UX+UI stuff and learning more about accessibility in frontend. If I can do the full mockup first I'll spend *a lot* less time styling.

#100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/mWyV6aAwii

Day 31

Day 31 of #100DaysOfCode

Progress > Perfection.

Continued with my UIs from yesterday. I'll keep iterating on the mockup as I code. It's shitty, but it's something :D

Back to full-on code tomorrow. YAS.

#100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/BK79yYT405

Day 32

Day 32 of #100DaysOfCode

I modified an older version of the repo to stop getting that dumb SQL/database not connecting error. All is well.

But now the routes don't load the results and eternally hang, even when I undo everything in the file. Wat.

#100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/EDWNBkCqgV

Day 33

Day 33 of #100DaysOfCode

Made progress with the user routes! Things are slowly moving along. Twitch chat threw 'service layers' at me so I need to read up on architecture now (thanks donnY and rick!) 🀣😭🀣 Worth it.


Day 34

34 / #100DaysOfCode

Still wrapping my head around layered (service-oriented) architecture and all the (different??) ways people seem to be implementing it.

This is gonna take a bit. https://t.co/HjCab3YyDg

Day 35

35 / #100DaysOfCode

I now have an API service layer. Data layer is iffy but heyooo we're getting there. Figured out Express query strings too. Looks like I'm set for a few days!


Day 36

36 / #100DaysOfCode

I feel like I did the absolute *minimum*. Added some more backend routes. I need to either get the frontend going or do some interaction design before I figure out the routes I need.

Ugh. Duh. Planning and design first.


Day 37

37 / #100DaysOfCode

Figured out the frontend routes, and I *think* most of the backend routes. *really* need to do interaction flow. Probs gonna stream Frontend on Monday if I do a birthday stream, otherwise it's Tuesday as usual!


Day 38

38 / #100DaysOfCode

Spent my time today doing user flows and listing API functions for each page. I'll markup those pages and build the API as I go, in tandem.

Unsure if there's a better way to do it but this way I'll get less muddled 😜


Day 39

39 / #100DaysOfCode

Started on the signup and login pages. I think I might style them fully tomorrow during stream before I continue with attempting to use the API I've been building. And still need to build. :P


Day 40

40 / #100DaysOfCode

Back to #svelte. Signup page drafted and some styling done with a changing CSS gradient bg. Still undecided on CSS gradient bg vs glass. After everything's working I think I'll mockup both and get some feedback.

Day 41

41 / #100DaysOfCode

I am keeling over with sleep. Backdrop filter doesn't work in Firefox????????? Why not?????????

Pain. Finished the signup UI looking like glass now, but the rest of this is for another day. Specifically: tomorrow.


Day 42

42 / #100DaysOfCode

Heck yeah! Made enough progress with the main chat UI that I can build out the API to start pushing data to the client. Figured out globally scoped CSS with #svelte and some flexbox shenanigans.

Good 🀜progressπŸ€› today. Happy. 😊


Day 43

43/ #100DaysOfCode

I did it, I did it, I finally did it! Glass on top of a blurred background without backdrop-filter.

But then I thought it looked sorta ugly and removed the blur.

w/e, sign up and login drafts are d o n e. Input > Db next!


Day 44

44 / #100DaysOfCode

Spent most of today with WordPress and Downton Abbey.

Apparently hanging indentation is common enough on the web and far simpler than I thought it was going to be.


Day 45

45 / #100DaysOfCode

Designing and building out a decent default page is taking a fair bit. But I'd like for there to be more than just an empty screen for new users where first steps are just subtly implied. I'll finish this page tomorrow.


Day 46

46 / #100DaysOfCode

I was attempting to do things with hiding radio buttons. I'm now looking at article after article about accessibility.

Hardly any code - mostly reading today - but that's more important sometimes.


Day 47

Day 47 / #100DaysOfCode

Styled with Gatsby. Should've done Grid stuff but Market Day looms. Stupid .htaccess rules! 🀣

I can't wait to build out a proper community onboarding process.


Day 48

48 / #100DaysOfCode

#svelte template logic now sorted for the community default page... Mostly. All I really managed for today. It was an embarrassing amount of time before I realised how bind:group worked πŸ™ƒ


Day 49

49 / #100DaysOfCode

Screwed up my UI designs. This is why I should wireframe/mockup enough before doing anything. Anyway, there's enough there for me to get stuff into the database so... Scary part coming next.

But not the scariest. xD


Day 50

50 / #100DaysOfCode

Halfway!! Did more templating with #svelte and Sapper. I should be good to start getting inputs into the database tomorrow, or so I hope!


Day 51

51 / #100DaysOfCode

WordPress again. Not a bad break. Built out the rest of the pages. Looks like I'm finishing this one tomorrow. Maybe no more WordPress for a few months? :D *hopeful*


Day 52

52 / #100DaysOfCode

Well, WordPress project done to the best of my ability with what I had. Maybe one more day.

Back to Grid soon! :D Hoping to get some API stuff understood so I won't stuff up the stream tomorrow :3


Day 53

53 / #100DaysOfCode

Okay I managed to fetch JSON from the backend and shove it into the console so tomorrow I will likely be less scared of handling data :D

I lie. I'm equal parts apprehensive and excited but let's do this πŸ’ͺ


Day 54

54 / #100DaysOfCode

The code KNOWS exactly when to throw some random af error to make things inconvenient.

I planned to do fetch requests today but instead got stuck with Knex errors. Joy.

Stream chat was fucking amazing though. Y'all rock!


Day 55

55 / #100DaysOfCode

SQLite3 pool issues w/Knex. Took me 3-4 hours to figure this out.

I had to stick 'await' in front of the async function I was importing from another file.

What the hell, man.

I wanna go sleep but I'm too miffed πŸ˜…


Day 56

56 / #100DaysOfCode

Uuuugghh. Intended to do Fetch API stuff again but it turns out the sqlite3 pkg doesn't support async/await?? I'm hoping that's the issue and can figure out a simple way to deal with that tomorrow.

THEN Fetch API! Take 3.


Day 57

57 / #100DaysOfCode

I didn't notice it was already today because the light was on. I've been at this for... 5 hours, not counting the afternoon? I was at a loss. Logan was suggesting I create a minimal reproduction to ask for help.

And then I figured it out 🀣


Day 58

58 / #100DaysOfCode

Explored Storybook with #svelte during our design system Slackathon. It's a cool tool but all this extra fuss with config makes me like it less. I can't yet get global variables working in both Storybook and Svelte without code duplication.

Day 59

59 / #100DaysOfCode

I fucked up the repo trying to get the rootDir tsconfig error to go away. I was careless and didn't commit before I did it.

I'll unfuck it tomorrow.



Day 60

60 / #100DaysOfCode

Project has been unfucked. This is probably the first time I am ever happy to say I'm back where I started. I don't know if I should keep the rootDir setting from the tsconfig... I'm unsure if it matters right now.


Day 61

61 / #100DaysOfCode

The stream was awesoooome. I think there are some hot reloading issues with Svelte/Sapper. But hey, I can actually use the Fetch API successfully and modify the database!! Special thanks to Technosterone for debug help. πŸ’œ



Day 62

62 / #100DaysOfCode

Tried getting all the communities into Svelte and... Nope. I think I'm getting some errors that aren't showing immediately with hot reloading so... That makes it harder to figure out. Shit progress. Ah well. Tomorrow.


Day 63

63 / #100DaysOfCode

Still trying to access the API using environment vars. Made a bit more progress with accessing the vars using Sapper middleware but now the functions don't work so... Confused af xD


Day 64

64 / #100DaysOfCode

I got one of the two bugs. Ugggghhh. Hopefully I'll get the next one tomorrow.

On the plus side, learnt about accessing stores through Svelte and Sapper. I'll likely need that when I do authentication things with tokens.


Day 65

65 / #100DaysOfCode

Took a break from Grid. Slackathon today, doing Earth stuff with threejs. It's all mindboggling. Did a threejs course already but retained very little. :P Outdated tutorials not helping. πŸ™ƒ


Day 66

66 / #100DaysOfCode

I've proven to myself yet again that coding when I am not tired is MUCH better. 5 minutes to debug the second part of a two-part problem that probably took me at least five hours.

If I code in the AM, I'll reach alpha sooner.



Day 67

67 / #100DaysOfCode

Communities can be created, and they'll go into the database. F i n a l l y. Those functions have to be completed to generate random IDs but good enough for now. ~8 more steps until I move back to sockets.


Day 68

68 / #100DaysOfCode

Meh. Only a tiny bit of progress. Hopefully I can dedicate most of Thursday and Friday to Grid and knock those tasks out of the way.


Day 69 nice

69 / #100DaysOfCode


Day 70

70 / #100DaysOfCode

Feeling a big stagnant. Getting this reference error about fetch not being defined, but putting a fetch in an unMount lifecycle function fixes that, but then it can't be called conditionally....

I suppose I'll get there. Eventually.


Day 71

71 / #100DaysOfCode

That took for-fucking-ever, but getting all the communities is done. I've still got to learn how to do searches and whatnot but... Later. Need to focus on getting a full set of interaction flows done functionally first.


Day 72

72 / #100DaysOfCode

For every task I write down, I expect maybe 2-3 parts but there's 2-3 times that instead :'D Managed to get individual community spaces sorted on the API side, now I just need to make sure the client routes are rendering properly.


Day 73

73 / #100DaysOfCode

Not much coding today, mostly WordPress stuff that involved styling here and there. Looking forward to the finished project though. Here's hoping it's finished this week.


Day 74

74 / #100DaysOfCode

Might be getting sick. All I really managed today was adding uuids and a start on handling client routes. I've yet to properly *understand* how they're programmatically created in #svelte, but I'll get there.


Day 75

75 / #100DaysOfCode

Just general styling today. Way too much work to do. Starting to forget what day of the week it is. πŸ™ƒ Kinda boring tbh but I think the drudgery is over. :P

25 days left! Starting 100 days of design ~7 April if anyone wants to sync!


Day 76

76 / #100DaysOfCode

Hm. While I can figure out a way to generate client routes from db data, I can't help but feel there's a better way to do it? Wouldn't I wanna store a list of IDs (FKs?) in a row in a user's table? Else I'd search the whole table every time the app loads...

Day 77

77 / #100DaysOfCode

Decided against storing uuids in an array for now; I can always test that later. Still understanding how routes work in #Sapper - dynamic routes, and then page vs server routes 🀯

I'll probably make more headway tomorrow.


Day 78

78 / #100DaysOfCode

Turns out the routes *are* half?? generated?? There are links I can click in my sidebar that load routes that won't throw errors, but I have *other* routes from the initial JS object files also generated... waahh.


Day 79

79 / #100DaysOfCode

Super short today because DIY stuff. Managed to extend the profile section of the API to join communities with. I think I've finally managed to get into the swing of things for the backend and db issues are minimal.

#100DaysOfCodeChallenge https://t.co/obqnatnaPt

Day 80

80 / #100DaysOfCode

It's been a looong day and I'm keeling over with sleep. Managed to get some delete and updates routes into the backend without much trouble. I think my mental model has solidified considerably now.


Day 81

81 / #100DaysOfCode

Listed out the rest of the routes. I think I have everything in Insomnia that I'll need to test the backend with prior to having to starting web sockets. Not that all the routes work yet... :P


Day 82

82 / #100DaysOfCode

Nearly there! Made a tiny bit of progress today with Svelte and I'm getting the hang of understanding data flow. I should be able to finish this long step tomorrow and progress onto UI styling. :D Sockets by next week!


Day 83

83 / #100DaysOfCode

Managed to get a whole sequence down from creating a community to generating that data on a community page. Once I figure out preloading (generating?) before navigating, I'm set. Looking forward to moving to Svelte Kit from Sapper πŸ₯³


Day 84

84 / #100DaysOfCode

Kicked yesterday's problem in the butt on stream. I was so dumb. I mistyped the route name 🀣 And then spent another three+ hours talking about random shit :D Love y'all who drop by, thanks for making my evening so enjoyable!


Day 85

85 / #100DaysOfCode

I built the channels section of the API faster than I was expecting. It's a bit weird for things to be clicking and I'm solving issues... Faster?? I guess when it's not Sapper I have fewer hurdles.


Day 86

86 / #100DaysOfCode

Learnt how to seed the database. So useful! Ready to go all-out with the UI now. And I did it all by 9 PM πŸ˜‡

Waheyyyy, bedtime before midnight today~

#100DaysOfCodeChallenge https://t.co/4jxHtgnj19

Day 87

87 / #100DaysOfCode

A decent UI makes things look a lot more finished πŸ™ƒ Should be able to finish a rough draft in a few days! Keen to get past it and into web sockets by the end of the week.


Day 88

88 / #100DaysOfCode

Didn't get around to all too much, but w/e. Took me a while to figure out how to pass data to components that don't have a route with Sapper. Conflicting sources of information all over doesn't help >_>


Day 89

89 / #100DaysOfCode

Actually figured out Sapper's routing system properly today and I managed to get the routes I wanted; now I just have to research structuring components and layouts before passing data into them.

#100DaysOfCodeChallenge https://t.co/B0PJBp7IvH

Day 90

90 / #100DaysOfCode

I thought maybe researching component best practices would help me but looking at component composition and how slots work in Svelte seems better for my understanding.


Day 91

91 / #100DaysOfCode

AHAHA hardly did any code during stream but there was great discussion on layouts and navigation - like when it should be inside <main> tags or not. Y'all really helped me think through shit from last stream, thank you!

#100DaysofCodeChallenge #livecode

Day 92

92 / #100DaysOfCode

I've been keeling over with sleep sitting any time I sat at the computer today, but managed to get through it. Basically just worked on Sapper routing and some markup for the pages.


Day 93

93 / #100DaysOfCode

Sorting out some routing issues with the communities and channels. Figured out how to structure the files for routing, but still need to work on passing data down to and up from slots so I can pass parameters.


Day 94

94 / #100DaysOfCode

I really do do (hehe) my best work first thing in the morningπŸ˜† All the links render correctly using the communityId in the secondary nav (or should I call it <DinkyNav>, eh, Chat?). 3 steps left, then sockets!


Day 95

95 / #100DaysOfCode

Channels are fetched from the database and pushed to individual communities. :D :D :D

Didn't think I'd be able to get that done while so exhausted but there ya go. /patontheback. Still needs a fix though.

5 days left 😱


Day 96

96 / #100DaysOfCode

That was one hell of an unproductive two hours on stream :') Thanks for hanging around. Got further with my understanding but too tired to figure out the appropriate fix. Tomorrow morning!!


Day 97

97 / #100DaysOfCode

Started styling the chat messages. No luck figuring out component events and passing data back and forth - yet.


Day 98

98 / #100DaysOfCode

Think I figured out *how* to get the id to update - with stores - but will implement tomorrow. Started crashing on stream an hour in 😴

#100DaysOfDesign starting soon on the 12th, feel free to join us at https://t.co/Sf3YtPuhq9


Day 99

99 / #100DaysOfCode

Managed to figure out how to use custom stores - so now the menus for channels all work ✨

Some of my issues stem from not recognising common patterns across frontend frameworks used to accomplish certain behaviours. I'm getting it.


Day 100

100 / #100DaysOfCode

100!! No days skipped since Jan 1st :D

Spent all my time today figuring out config with https://t.co/YnGz2y5mPn and Svelte. Far from done. ✨This is the life✨, eh?

Lessons learnt from 100 Days of Code coming up soon!
