100 Days of Health

Day 0

Round 9 -

0/100 Days of Health: In which Tabs becomes a machine.

I planned a whole thread but ended up writing about 1k words' worth of personal notes xD. My system goals include addressing:

πŸ›Œ Sleep
🍲 Diet
πŸ’ͺ Exercise
🧠 Emotions

Good luck to everyone on their 100 Day…

Day 1

I started this whole challenge with the most miserable day 🀣 I hardly did anything, ate like crap, and I'm sleeping late.

At least it's earlier than yesterday and I can only go up from here.

Probably. πŸ’€

1/100 Days of Health

Day 2

I ate actual food today - though not the healthiest - and I'll be asleep much earlier as my mood has improved.

Also did some kettlebell swings. Ay. :D Baby steps.

I do have a headache but I'll be unconscious soon πŸ˜‡ Yes, I drank water.

2/100 Days of Health

Day 3

My cat likes to lick kettlebells, and didn't want to let me sleep.

I wanted to start the Insanity program, but after a persistent headache and injuries I resigned myself to rest.

I ate the last chocolate bar in the house. There won't be any more.

3/100 Days of Health

Day 4

Still healing, so I digested some Insanity guides. My goal is 1400 calories a day; I'm a potato πŸ’€

I won't be as strict as I've been about sugar before; just more intentional about it.

I'll do the Sanity Check for about a week before I begin the program.

4/100 Days of Health

Day 5

I'd slept poorly (but earlier!); I spent the afternoon asleep to combat exhaustion.

I'd started cooking but started late. I canned it in favour of something less healthy, but quick. Less stress to make stream.

I need to prep meals I can heat from frozen.

5/100 Days of Health

Day 6

I woke up twice, but I've been awake since before 6 AM. My sleep schedule is shifting! So excited 🀣

Based on my amount of walking today, I'll attempt a Sanity Check tomorrow.

I ate unhealthily but I damn well enjoyed that kronut and banana milkshake πŸ˜†

6/100 Days of Health

Day 7

I got so caught up with work I kept postponing the Sanity Check 😭

I reached 130 kettlebell swings at 8kgs, 'cause WEEEAK 🀣 Just so I did... Something.

Tomorrow I won't work for 12 hours straight; I'll make the time.


7/100 Days of Health

Day 8

Dude, I died during the WARM UP for the Sanity Check workout today πŸ’€πŸ˜†

I'll probably be doing that for a full week before I can even begin the actual program 🀣

Whatever. I got this.


8/100 Days of Health

Day 9

Low AF willpower today; managed to not nap, and get into bed by 21:30. Only 50 kettlebell swings xD

I stuck to the sleep rule; good enough! 😩

9/100 Days of Health

Day 10

Besides doing f-all: I didn't nap, I started consuming more protein, and drank more water than usual.

Tomorrow it's back to the brink of Insanity :D

10/100 Days of Health

Day 11

The Sanity Check warm-up + workout is 26 mins. I lasted for 17 before my body felt it was going to stop moving 🀣

I tried to do the exercises properly, so it hit harder.

I'll be repeating the workout until I can finish it before I start Insanity.

11/100 Days of Health

Day 12

I stuck to my low stress rules; I'd clumped my meetings + errands together, and did my workout at 8 AM.

I was ready so early there was no tension in my morning. I much prefer this routine for days where things interfere with extended brain work time.

12/100 Days of Health

Day 13

My body is sore. DOMS? Maybe.

I was coming up with all sorts of excuses to cave early. I remembered a guildie doing the 100D Challenges. F it; I'm stubborn, and I'll fight myself.

Although half-dead, I finished the Sanity Check for the first time.

13/100 Days of Health

Day 14

Rest day!

At least I'm getting better at listening to my body.

Tomorrow's got meetings, and I Leave The House, so I have a bunch of rules in effect. We'll see how it goes.

14/100 Days of Health

Day 15

Today went as planned, except for work 🀣

The Sanity Check is getting easier to finish; I'll need to increase effort. My lower back hurts (in general), which I'll sort with kettlebells.

The freakin' oat face milk's FINALLY finished. Tomorrow: retinol! :D

15/100 Days of Health

Day 16

Did nothing much today except work.

Going to sleep early 🫑


16/100 Days of Health

Day 17

I pulled a muscle between my shoulder blades and neck; probs slept badly.

I spent three hours walking with my camera though - so I at least got some exercise even if I couldn't push it.

I bought fudge; 'if my cat can have treats why can't I πŸ˜‡' 🀣

17/100 Days of Health

Day 18

Sanity Check. Relaxing massage. 50 kettlebell swings. Sugar.

Great day for exercise, as this is the first time I stopped taking extended breaks for the Sanity Check, and piled on the bells later in the day... Food, not so much πŸ˜†

18/100 Days of Health

Day 19

Instead of pure exhaustion I felt muscle burn while out of breath. Less back pain today, too! I think it's the bells.

I did kettlebells before stream; bad idea. My arms were trembling and I don't have enough desk space to rest them comfortably πŸ˜†

19/100 Days of Health

Day 20

I need to do my workouts before noon, or I'm just not gonna wanna botherπŸ’€

50 kettlebells. I'm dying for sugary things and eating healthily is efforrrrtπŸ˜†

20/100 Days of Health

Day 21

Didn't want to work out. Did it late 😩

My lungs aren't dying to keep up anymore; the rest of my body however, different story πŸ˜† Which is good; I put in enough effort.

21/100 Days of Health

Day 22

Pulled some neck/shoulder muscle badly enough I skipped the workouts today.

Sleeping early though let's gooo 🫑

22/100 Days of Health

Day 23

Felt a stab of pain in my thigh a few times when I was walking ever-so-gently, so I skipped the workouts today. Hopefully I'll be okay to do them tomorrow.

nn! :D

23/100 Days of Health

Day 24

The pain is still there?? Idk what it is??? Should probs figure that out xD

It turns out I can enjoy cinnamon + milk instead of hot chocolate. I kinda wanna make horchata without sugar but dunno if that'll taste any good.

24/100 Days of Health

Day 25

My willpower today was spent on not caving into sugar and stopping work early enough to get some sleep.


25/100 Days of Health

Day 26

More resting and stressing πŸ˜† Gonna need a workout soon to help reduce the cortisol.

Ate so much chicken today tomorrow will need to be veggie-heavy.

26/100 Days of Health

Day 27

Woke up early, worked, napped, woke up late, morning was gone. Went to a cafe impromptu; I'd decided to be nice today. No workout. Lots of sugar πŸ˜…

I took work with me. No lamenting 'wasted time' in transport. Low stress win.

27/100 Days of Health

Day 28

I will have you know there is chocolate in the house and I did not have any.

No workout today, but I think I'll have the energy for it tomorrow. No promises. 😘

28/100 Days of Health

Day 29

Persevered and got the initial version sorted. It took me less than a week to convert that entire project over from React to Svelte.

Sugar bomb tomorrow as a treat; however, the workouts must also resume.


29/100 Days of Health

Day 30

I told myself I can have boba/bubble tea when I reach major milestones; I'd have to make it myself.

ngl I just like the tapioca pearls and they can be bland af. I'll probably ditch the sugar and have the pearls in cinnamon milk.

30/100 Days of Health https://t.co/UONqFeRHzp

Day 31

Caved into sugar. Reduced tasks on my plate :3 Almost there! Gonna do my packing tomorrow so I don't do it last minute.

Daylight savings is messing with my brain :')

31/100 Days of Health

Day 32

Had all intentions of doing a good workout today; ended up with a headache in the afternoon and just tapping out until tomorrow. I'll just rest at a reasonable time.

Also bought SPF moisturiser recently so I'll start the retinol after PAX.

32/100 Days of Health

Day 33

Sleeping way too late. Should have done more packing earlier. But it's okay, I'll function just fine. Hopefully I'll have enough time to do some cleaning in the morning, that's all xD

33/100 Days of Health

Day 34

0 workout but got to sleep at a reasonable time despite the travelling.

Starting to feel like I rather put whatever effort and drive I have for the day entirely into my working out instead of my work.

I may be witnessing my own attitude shift.

34/100 Days of Health

Day 35

Did the Sanity Check because it's been a week or so; found I could still put in more effort. I could start the Insanity Program but I'll die doing it.

Monday let's go πŸ’€

35/100 Days of Health

Day 36

Up from 6 in the morning and out at PAX Aus the entire day. Tons of walking though; I speed along instead of amble so my legs are still sore xD

Steamed everything for the three days early and did as much prep as possible πŸ”₯

36/100 Days of Health

Day 37

Another long day at PAX; in bed an hour earlier though. Slayy πŸ’€

Ngl I enjoyed some sugar, buuuut there's so much walking around I'll have covered it fr

37/100 Days of Health https://t.co/DPTWZdxqR8

Day 38

In bed early today, but there's too much house noise going on for me to sleep 😬

Last day of PAX, so lots of walking and plenty of sugar to compensate 🀣. Still working on my Yennefer (Witcher 3) cosplay.

38/100 Days of Health https://t.co/BIbVdNqssE

Day 39

Spent most of the day on my feet, so no workout. Pulled some lower back muscle somehow; I have no idea, so don't ask xD

In bed at a good enough time considering recent events. Good enough.

39/100 Days of Health

Day 40

Packed early enough; no last minute things tomorrow morning.

Nvm - I just forgot one thing I needed to pack. 🀣

No workout today due to the pulled muscles yesterday.

40/100 Days of Health

Day 41

Sick today (ty harbingers of colds), so just cleaned and rested. All of my PAX stuff is already washed; no lingering laundry for a week! πŸ˜†

Climbing into bed with fresh, clean sheets after a shower is the best way to end the day ✨️

41/100 Days of Health

Day 42

Managed some chores and work. That's about it, really.

Ill enough I was still mostly holed up in my room and the cat was NOT pleased xD

42/100 Days of Health

Day 43

Still bleh. Did admin and paperwork the entire day in bed 😩 Got some ice cream and chocolate milk as a reward.

Didn't think sickness would screw with bedtime but there ya go.

43/100 Days of Health

Day 44

Still p. gross but wore my mask, voted, and got some fresh air. Managed some admin.


44/100 Days of Health

Day 45

New phone who dis

Still out of it. Still productive: gaming, a Whale Fall core gameplay loop meeting, acquired my new phone, and started an assignment.

45/100 Days of Health https://t.co/WwizCZxUP8

Day 46

WOO, nearly recovered.

I've returned to running my days on full steam but not feeling stressed. Something shifted me into a better headspace; unsure if it was PAX, changing projects, or re-initiating a positive feedback loop.

46/100 Days of Health

Day 47

Had ice cream, aaaaaand... That's about all that was noteworthy about today.

Focussed on getting work off my plate. I feel like I'm slowing down to some degree.

47/100 Days of Health

Day 48

I've not quite recovered; said fk it and did kettlebells xD Felt good about doing *something*.

All despite my low, shitty af mood.

I have a knack of deciding things will be good before shit hits the fanπŸ˜†

It will be a good week; because I said so.

48/100 Days of Health

Day 49

I feel so behind with my workouts; totally not where I wanted to be. Oh well~

Continued the minimum of 50 kb swings. Arms are feeling it after two days πŸ˜†

Tackled work I dislike. Worked out. Streamed. In bed before 21:30.

Good day. Hell yeah.

49/100 Days of Health

Day 50

60 kb swings. Yeeted more work off my plate *and* did a f-ton of laundry. Even gamed for an hour.

Productivity win even if my workout was eh.

50/100 Days of Health

Day 51

Slept poorly, so I slept almost through the entire morning and trudged through half of the work I wanted to finish today. Meh. I'll see if I can play catch-up tomorrow.

80 kb swings. P. sure I could do more, so I may start splitting it into sets.

51/100 Days of Health

Day 52

100 kb swings; two sets of 50.

Slept late because I was having fun coding, for once. There's definitely a reason I enjoyed graphics and design when it accompanies code 🀣

C programming feels like a series of puzzles I'd sometimes do for fun. Sometimes.

52/100 Days of Health

Day 53

Endured a meeting, did more CS50 and C programming, and just 50 kb swings. My body is tired 😩

That's good, though. Git stronger, noob. 🀣

I had so much sugar today that after tomorrow I'm gonna push to do extra workouts.

53/100 Days of Health

Day 54

Back to 100 kbs. Should I be increasing workouts until I feel sore the day after, and then take a break, or just do them every day and increase slowly?

54/100 Days of Health

Day 55

Just 50 kb swings. And an ice cream sandwich.


Waking up to my sunrise alarm though is great.

55/100 Days of Health

Day 56

Honestly, somewhat sick today. Mostly resting and coding.

I will be asleep before midnight! nn :D

56/100 Days of Health

Day 57

Didn't do the sugar thing today. Slept at an okay time. Sick still, so mostly fatigued.


57/100 Days of Health

Day 58

Sacrificed sleep tonight to get something off my plate. I wouldn't normally do this; I was going to get frustrated if I didn't finish it.

00:15; signing out~

58/100 Days of Health

Day 59

Sugar bombs everywhere but this time I made most of mine 🀣 I quite enjoyed the salted caramel apples for the Halloween Hangout we were hosting.

Slept late-ish but took all the decorations down so there's nothing left for the next day.

59/100 Days of Health https://t.co/gEswzYhKWr

Day 60

Spent most of the day on my feet cleaning stuff around the house so I said fk it to doing a workout. I was tired by the end of it regardless. xD

60/100 Days of Health

Day 61

Travel today. Slept poorly because... I think not finishing the packing the night before left me a little stressed. It woke up so early I had plenty of time xD

Napped on the bus and went to bed early enough.

61/100 Days of Health

Day 62

I climbed a mast today. After failing at the overhang once I couldn't muster the energy to try again xD

Tore some skin unfurling them too >_>

62/100 Days of Health https://t.co/G1PL5rTyGM

Day 63

Did about 11 km of walking and a treetops obstacle course activity thing.

My arms and legs are deeeeead but that was fun!

63/100 Days of Health https://t.co/DV0lPVvY0v

Day 64

Frantically walked to Sydney Opera House for a show (freaking amazing) and left the exercise at that because yesterday's antics left me deaaaad. My sweaty forehead should be enough. πŸ˜†

64/100 Days of Health https://t.co/kaWnRaca2X

Day 65

Had a crappy day so writing this off as a rest day - too bad, so sad πŸ˜‡

Apparently I will not be getting decent sleep until I'm back in my own bed whelp

65/100 Days of Health

Day 66

Gym today: 10.7km on the bike (30ish mins of some fat burn program) and some sets of lat pull-up and seated row exercises until I felt tired.

I think I'd enjoy a home gym setup. Future me: take note.

66/100 Days of Health

Day 67

A fair bit of today was spent on my feet. Walked about 8km. Napped because sleeping issues.

Packed p. early and did everything I wanted so... Good enough.

Looking forward to my own bed tomorrow. ^^

67/100 Days of Health

Day 68

Walked around Sydney doing a scavenger hunt over a few hours, so gonna count that as my exercise.

Almost got sunburnt. My hood didn't cover my nose πŸ˜†

68/100 Days of Health https://t.co/wbmAKm2kM0

Day 69 nice

Slept at a decent time and that was about all I managed.

Ah well~

69 (nice)/100 Days of Health

Day 70

Dentist! Haven't been in like 10 years (oops); it turns out I needed a filling. Ended up hanging around for the next appointment to avoid returning; 20 mins with no anaesthesia. P. good!

My 31-year streak has been broken 😭

Also: 120 kettlebell swings.

70/100 Days of Health

Day 71

120 kb swings; did them + got ready early. I feel like I accomplished little, but hey, I reduced general stress.

Attended a candle-lit concert playing Studio Ghibli tributes. I thoroughly enjoyed it and underestimated the good it did for my energy.

71/100 Days of Health https://t.co/04hZwh5sGy

Day 72

Emotional day, so I did my workout and work late. Sleeping late too. w/e. I'll sleep a bit better knowing they're done.

72/100 Days of Health

Day 73

120 kettlebells. Woo.

So tired of existing 😩 I'll be fine dw.

Being human is just so exhausting sometimes. Emotional energy is at 1/10 today.

73/100 Days of Health

Day 74

3 AM. Took a rest day and pretty much just spent the afternoon and evening doing karaoke.

I feel a bit better.

74/100 Days of Health https://t.co/BiZuAwh88e

Day 75

Still solid meh energy.

Went to a spa and got a 1.5h relaxing massage, and some aromatherapy facial rejuvenation thing.

It's good to learn that helps considerably in addition to spending a day in a tub.

75/100 Days of Health

Day 76

Spent half the day asleep, did what errands I could, and played Stray.

Sephi came to watch, but then turned around to watch us instead 🀣 Apparently humans are more interesting than CGI cats to him.

76/100 Days of Health https://t.co/TXP2KFRkXn

Day 77

Didn't want to go another day without a workout, so 120 kettlebell swings at the end of the day it was. I'd have had another thing to be frustrated with xD

Did have some nice ice cream too - pistachio kulfi.

77/100 Days of Health https://t.co/rk4lBCPx6F

Day 78

Should have done my workout this morning. Got a COVID booster in one arm and flu shot in the other; it's too sore for me to lift much xD

Pleased with my manoeuvering to get the shots out of the way today though. I CALLED people 🀣

Also: boat trip 😍

78/100 Days of Health https://t.co/KTQQeB14NI

Day 79

My body thinks it's sick; I must endure fatigue. My arms HURT and sleeping was difficult. No workouts today. Yay. =_=

79/100 Days of Health

Day 80

Much of the same as yesterday; still fighting off the non-sickness. Slightly better though. Saw one friend off and met another for dindin. It feels good to socialise for a bit before I leave.

80/100 Days of Health

Day 81

I may have been smart by doing all the laundry and cleaning ahead of time, but I am still v. not smart in some decisions like playing Pandemic: Iberia for a few hours (first time! And we won!) instead of focusing on packing.

Skipped sleeping.

81/100 Days of Health

Day 82

Glad I got my shots on Friday instead of Monday, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to lift my bags.

No sleeping actually worked in my favour because I slept more on my flights (18h journey total or something idk).

82/100 Days of Health

Day 83

Still some jet lag present, and had to nap, but have no trouble sticking to these unorganised mealtimes. Good enough.

83/100 Days of Health

Day 84

Failed to stay awake and caved in to a nap; had to end stream early because I'd slept poorly and was falling asleep so badly πŸ’€ It screwed with my sleeping a bit at night, too.

84/100 Days of Health

Day 85

Got dumbbells from a cousin (the groom whose wedding I'm here for). I think this thing is at least 3.5kgs.

I feel like a gym bro just working on my arms.

85/100 Days of Health

Day 86

Used my cousin's dumbbells again.

Why are they called dumbbells, anyway? I haven't seen any smartbells around.

The brogrammer life is not for me. Probably.

86/100 Days of Health

Day 87

Bought a 4kg kettlebell to learn one-handed exercises. My aunt lent me her exercise mat :D

Also bought back-up heels for the wedding because shoe shopping here sucks for me πŸ˜† Digging this 'do things earlier' shtick.

87/100 Days of Health

Day 88

Learnt how to do a kettlebell overhead press, kettlebell row (suitcase), and one-handed swing.

88/100 Days of Health

Day 89

Got my grandmother's treadmill working and hopped on that for a bit. It's been helping my lower back pain as well as this mesh-backed chair + footrest.

Did take a nap today though πŸ’€ Maybe 30-40 mins.

89/100 Days of Health

Day 90

Trudging along with 0 routine, so not sleeping well.

However; did a small kettlebell workout and hopped on the treadmill for 20 mins. Managed minimum work and admin.

Good enough! I'm back (hello).

90/100 Days of Health

Day 91

Had to run around in the heat doing errands so had time p. much just for that and some work.

Rested in the arvo and had gelato xD

91/100 Days of Health https://t.co/N1d6IFSSfH

Day 92

smol kettlebell workout.

Spent today feeling meh so didn't get all the work I'd have liked done today. I'll have to finish it tomorrow and not stay up late because it's... Learning stuff. Can't do that with tired brain.

92/100 Days of Health

Day 93

Medium kettlebell workout.

Also did an escape room followed by lunch with the cousins. And lots of homemade chocolate cake πŸ’€ Worked in the evening.

More content than usual today, tbh.

93/100 Days of Health

Day 94

Wrong things today. Koeksisters (doughnuts rolled in dessicated coconut), pies, apple/pear crumble w/ice cream, pasta, soda. Bed late.

Did a short workout, but I'll have to adjust meals for a bit.

Mental health activity was nice: ceramic painting w/fam!

94/100 Days of Health https://t.co/6xw0z6fUEj

Day 95

Late start, no workout, but productive enough. Helped the cousin move stuff out so I wasn't a complete potato.

5/10 xD

95/100 Days of Health

Day 96

Smol kettlebell workout. No junk food today! :D I managed.

96/100 Days of Health

Day 97

Haven't seen my aunt in 15 years so... Did that. She made me plunge into a tide pool which was COLD and NOT MY VIBE and we quickly exited due to the bluebottle jellyfish.

Anyway. I had a fkton of sugar to make up for all the walking πŸ’€

97/100 Days of Health https://t.co/g8Wv8psbbU

Day 98

Felt sore, so no workout. Ate terribly. Looking forward to controlling my food again πŸ˜†

Slept through the night though.

98/100 Days of Health

Day 99

Just kettlebells and helping to move house stuff. So many boxes still xD

Some exercise is better than none so that's a W for me. ☺️

99/100 Days of Health

Day 100

Well, I made it πŸ₯³ Small kettlebell workout today followed by quite a bit of walking because... Mall shopping. 😩

General overview later. I might be getting sick, so it's time to just get some rest xD

100/100 Days of Health