100 Days of Music

Day 0

The career focus on all three yearly 100 Days Challenges we do is... Unhealthy.

One should feed the soul.

Enter 100 Days of Music; join us on May 1st! Other topics still fly: cooking, drawing, meditation, anything.

For me: guitar + music theory. First time full-on.

LFG! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ https://t.co/9Ven3LqpT0

Day 1

Learning to tune, holding the guitar, finger placement, reading chord boxes, holding a pick, and strumming.

Chords tomorrow πŸ’€

Gonna get it this time around. LET'S DO THIS πŸ”₯

1/100 Days of Music https://t.co/rrDeVf2Ahv

Day 2

D and A chords, anchor fingers, and one minute change exercises. I'll start counting from tomorrow πŸ’€

I feel like a Sim learning how to play lmaooo 🀣

Also: MY FINGERS. The pain hath begun!

Also: Eid Mubarak. <3

2/100 Days of Music https://t.co/1y1jaSOGsf

Day 3

Struggling with that last string :') them fingers WEAAAAK.

I can get about 30 D/A chord changes in a minute, and they're far from proper. Maybe 1-2 more days with my split sessions and I can start on E and module 2.

3/100 Days of Music https://t.co/ljzWPwjm1p

Day 4

Chords aren't perf and finger positioning needs work (which I'll get with the chord-perfect practice) buuuut I'm starting to go by feel more often.

Same number of chords (~32) but they were better than yesterday's!

Feels good 😊

4/100 Days of Music https://t.co/IC77lIpkNu

Day 5

Starting to add E onto my massive list of chords consisting of A and D. :')

5/100 Days of Music https://t.co/rXdIR6gOOo

Day 6

So much fumbling when E's added to the mix lmao. I'll get it eventually. Focused practice will fix it. I'll probs finish Module 2 within the next couple of days!

6/100 Days of Music https://t.co/rHtp7HYghG

Day 7

Had a 12h stream, so not too much progress today :') Still E/A/D practice.

I look grumpy but I'm not, I swear!

7/100 Days of Music https://t.co/EUgmNmJjeA

Day 8

Foot tapping, strumming mechanics, strumming on the beat, chord changes on one, and Peter Gunn Theme practice.

I'm gonna start calling that little finger Petyr Baelish 'cause it's WEEEEAK and won't behave.

Need to find my guitar picks. https://t.co/n2MirkLt7t

Day 9

I get ~30 A/D/E chords in a minute. Not great but I'll get there.

Also started learning basic chords to Love Me Do by the Beatles. And finished Module 2.

Long day and ya girl exhausted so tiny snip of chord prac. Did better in the morning >_>

9/100 Days of Music https://t.co/wJ1Ya1H07v

Day 10

Aite I'm still hitting like 30 chords per minute so I'm gonna move onto Module 3. Will do more song practice as well.

Tomorrow I'm onto including A minor and E minor!! :D

10/100 Days of Guitar https://t.co/Ya5JorQfna

Day 11

Attempting Am and Em along with A and E.


Going to see if I can fit in a chunk of module 3 tomorrow so I can get back to routine practice faster xD

11/100 Days of Music https://t.co/SmEUm2lrjX

Day 12

This was towards the end of my sesh. I nearly put the guitar down then went '... Nah, fuck it'.

Adding in more chords feels like undoing all that progress. I know it's not. It'll take a while to get back to doing 30 chords/min though πŸ’€

12/100 Days of Music https://t.co/NoPyBfVqcX

Day 13

I put off finding my picks for days but found it within 3 seconds of opening up my cupboard lmfao. Turns out I have my brother's Guitar Chords book too.

Don't tell him >_> I've had it for years.

Pick feels awkwaaaaard. This shall pass.

13/100 Days of Music https://t.co/5SqvxKou2j

Day 14

Uuuugh. Feels so choppy but I'll get there. Not too much time for practice today but if I get my new portfolio site deployed tomorrow I'll reward myself with extra practice and sore fingers😢

It's been two weeks πŸ’€

14/100 Days of Music https://t.co/DsjTvEMoRL

Day 15

Tried the electric for the first time and finished Module 3.

Here are snippets of my excitement and Seven Nation Army practice. Jump cuts 'cause effort.

Can't believe I had this thing for ten years and never got an amp.

15/100 Days of Music https://t.co/njpvwvWNWI

Day 16

Internet cut during my practice, but here's a small snippet of me struggling in the beginning with Sing by Ed Sheeran.

And damn that green looks bright on mobile. It's my monitor's RGB backlighting xD No filter.

16/100 Days of Music https://t.co/ePnEfEqA0p

Day 17

I attempted more adventurous strumming.

It did not go well 🀣

17/100 Days of Music https://t.co/ais89xhlRe

Day 18

First time doing finger stretching exercises! Also learnt the D Minor chord, about the metronome, and *the* strumming pattern - a popular one, ig. Back up to 35 chord changes a min; AM/EM to D and back iffy af.

Little finger mutes all. I'll get there eventually πŸ’€πŸ₯³ https://t.co/h7IXfTYd8X

Day 19

Enjoyed the guitar talk during stream today, so thanks for that! ❀️✨

Here's me attempting the riff of Sunshine of Your Love by Cream. My practice at the end (~20 mins) was worse than in the middle; time to stop probs. xD

19/100 Days of Music https://t.co/AoZQqqG114

Day 20

Struggled through. This wasn't the best playthrough but it was best D Minor chord attempt.

My face went from Concentration > Victory > Concentration > Ahhhh fucking up again lolol

Ain't No Sunshine.

20/100 Days of Music https://t.co/aETI2N3lAZ

Day 21

My chords progressively worsened the more my fingers hurt (been playing for an hour by this point) but hey - I'm gonna get that strumming pattern by hook or by crook. 😜

Probs easier once I memorise the chords. I forgot that's a thing πŸ’€

21/100 Days of Music https://t.co/M42gpa9fhX

Day 22

Okay I'm posting this for posterity but this late night attempt was even worse than yesterday lmfao. I laughed watching this back IT'S SO BAD. I attempted more up strums :3

but w/e my fingers were dying after just 20 mins today. Better tomorrow. Maybe.

22/100 Days of Music https://t.co/ulmTWeNAvX

Day 23

Practicing parts of 505 by Arctic Monkeys.

Strumming D chord strings on an E chord with sore fingers yeeeeah might be time to call it a night. πŸ˜†

23/100 Days of Music https://t.co/lGBTpPa2Ww

Day 24

Dishevelled and rather grumpy but still did the practice. Hopefully tomorrow I can tack on the faster chord transitions and have a terribly-played song πŸ’€

Still 505.

24/100 Days of Music https://t.co/2GXI3YBaLO

Day 25

The whole thing through. This isn't my best full attempt but it's the last and I'm tired now πŸ˜† Still slow at Em > Dm shifts

Thanks for following along <3 I'm a quarter way through and feel like I should be further, but I know my progress is decent. Any is.

25/100 Days of Music https://t.co/c7BlaYnQXf

Day 26

Fingerstyle for the first time. Or fingerpicking specifically, I guess.

If you can guess the song just from this... 10 points :')

26/100 Days of Music https://t.co/4yKEnVn7iB

Day 27

Raining outside. Mode: comfy.

First time I actually managed the transition from fingerpicking to chords, as choppy as it is. Getting to this stage took me longer than I wanna admit πŸ’€ Am7 + Dm.

Fallin' by Alicia Keys, btw πŸ˜†

27/100 Days of Music https://t.co/qU5IlpOffe

Day 28

Struggle central. 2.30 AM rn 'cause we got back late and honestly my practice is worse than yesterday as I'm exhausted as fuuuuck πŸ’€

Note to self: get practice done earlier if heading out late.

28/100 Days of Music https://t.co/5jjIlqj9kt

Day 29

Most notable improvement: I can switch to Dm faster now :D :D I remember how much I was strugglingggg when I started Ain't No Sunshine.

And I'm back up to ~30 chord changes per min ayoooo :D :D :D

29/100 Days of Music https://t.co/OSDKW4Ckb8

Day 30

Strumming patterns, semitones, music notes, and the dreaded C chord (clip) to add to D, A, E, Am, Em, and Dm. Back to crap again for a bit :')

I may start including more fuckups in my clips :3

30/100 Days of Music https://t.co/T4F5q2BWk1

Day 31

Riff of Come As You Are by Nirvana. I eventually got it but cba finding the good clip xD

Getting the C chord a bit faster than I expected. Shit. I might actually struggle through two songs and my chord changes by Sunday.

Started on one song today. πŸ’€

31/100 Days of Music https://t.co/v07r2WnfjQ

Day 32

Better attempt of Come As You Are and practicing Eleanor Rigby chords. I had to sing it in school around Year 8; we've come full circle. πŸ”₯

Still working on smoother strumming and chord changes.

Also.. My reaction when I knocked the guitar πŸ’€

32/100 Days of Music https://t.co/fzSfoOg9qX

Day 33

Sooo by the time I get like this during practice my fingers are too sore to continue and I call it :') That little finger is now getting used and o u c h.

33/100 Days of Music https://t.co/jE2JS0a3op

Day 34

About an hour of practice overall today. Clip is from when my fingers were just too sore to make decent chords :')

I didn't realise I wouldn't be able to feel the keyboard as much with the one hand; I'm making more typos suddenly =_=

34/100 Days of Music https://t.co/0Jdetwxu1R

Day 35

Mostly practiced chord changes. Was sick and pretty much l all did today was simple guitar practice, chat, nap, and watch LOVE DEATH + ROBOTSπŸ˜†

35/100 Days of Music https://t.co/VvDdUYzv1b

Day 36

Fairly ill and drained so didn't do much. I expect to hit 30 chord changes again by tomorrow, though!

Day 36/100 Days of Music https://t.co/udjXFTZVHx

Day 37

Does anyone else just suddenly decide to clean the house once they've been sick for a while? xD

Still fairly drained. Focused on chords; looks like I need to adjust closer to the fret edge.

About ready for Module 6!

37/100 Days of Music https://t.co/AEI3EhyJOL

Day 38

Learnt the G chord; here's me attempting to discern the difference between the two 🀣

Also trying out alternate picking. Learned to notice the 6/8 time signature as well.

38/100 Days of Music https://t.co/lfcXWVT7Kl

Day 39

Learning the chords to Mad World by Gary Jules.

Right at the end of the clip my fingers betray me; why does it get easier to switch when things get faster but when it's slower they're like HELL NA BITCH NOT TODAYYY

39/100 Days of Music https://t.co/bd8eC2uR7N

Day 40

Still sick and my throat is swollen af (so no volume 'singing' because pain) but I did almost 2 hours with a few breaks ayoooo.

Once I'm better at the chord changes with the timing I'll try a strumming pattern.

40/100 Days of Music https://t.co/pknW9JLxNg

Day 41

Trying a strumming pattern for the Mad World chords. Annoyed I can't sing along for timing. I tried. I spluttered for like a full minute 'cause of my throat being f- swollen.

I'll probs start other songs and return to it next week.


41/100 Days of Music https://t.co/sglKsB2Nfp

Day 42

In true ironic fashion, I dedicate this attempt before a coughing fit to Zordan - in memory of our singing & gaming at 17. Can't sing; embarrassed. Whatevs.

I was sick then too 🀣Those times helped build my self-confidence.

We sang this. Love you, man. ❀️

42/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Pyud3mpD4j

Day 43

Just practiced chords to How to Save a Life by The Fray with a strumming pattern. Might be able to struggle through it entirely by tomorrow :D

43/100 Days of Music https://t.co/SYZ6Fekwbb

Day 44

Honestly, practice just kept getting worse >.< I think I need to practice chord transitions separately for a bit.

Finished module 7 though and I'm going to spend a lot of time consolidating what I've learnt before I hit Grade 2.

44/100 Days of Music https://t.co/d1JEJISenj

Day 45

45/100 Days of Music whoops :D

Day 46

Well. At least I'm pleased about *something* this week.

Turns out I *can* do all the chord change pairs at minimum 30 changes a minute. I must've been ridiculously tired yesterday.

Just the songs' chord progression left to memorise!

46/100 Days of Music https://t.co/1Dkfdgmj1o

Day 47

I can see clearly where I've messed up but I've memorised the chord progression for Ain't No Sunshine and can sorta do it without the backing track. :D

One down, four to go!

47/100 Days of Music https://t.co/TPefarbPCo

Day 48

Bahaha I was fed up by the end and amused when I realised it xD

Got the chord progression for both Sing by Ed Sheeran and Mad World by Gary Jules consolidated. Attempted strumming patterns that're new to me, as you can tell >.<

3/5 songs down.

48/100 Days of Music https://t.co/14taYunfjA

Day 49

Exhausted today so focused more on refreshing and playing the chord progression without the backing tracks. These aren't my best attempts - just the final ones.

5/5 songs sorted so I'm gonna hit up Grade 2 tomorrow ahhhhh~~

49/100 Days of Music https://t.co/F3HSn6YR4d

Day 50

Tried 'Stuck 3&4' chords: 'Big' G, G5, C add9, D sus4, A7 sus4 + variation, E min7, D add11/F#, F6/9; also did the open E min pentatonic scale. Muting strings; lol.

Bet the guitarists know which song is coming soon🀣

*smiles in pain*

Day 50/100 Days of Music https://t.co/QVzlWF5iib

Day 51

I escaped the metronome thus far. It bit me in the ass :') Trying to *rectify* that. 🀣

All down 8th note strumming with the metronome had me focusing on too much at once. But I'll get it within the week probs.

D add11 with an F# base i hate u <3

51/100 Days of Music https://t.co/AQmQRh0prY

Day 52

They called me Sith during stream so I kept the lighting.

I can't play them well (yet!) but I know G, G5, C add9, D sus4, A7 sus4 + variation, E min7, D add11/F#, and F6/9 by heart now.

Did pentatonic scale practice too. Tomorrow I'll start That Song. πŸ˜†

52/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Jqk6aRmovp

Day 53

Today was a pjs > shower > pjs kind of day. Soooo yes - I'm in my gown :')

Started on Wonderwall. The frets are closer. The absence of pain pleases me. 🀣

*SO* done with today. myeehh πŸ’€

53/100 Days of Music https://t.co/JlrNumX1TV

Day 54

Worked on the bridge section of Wonderwall.

Slept for like 2 hours in the past couple of days; I WILL be in bed by 22:30 today. *runs*

54/100 Days of Music https://t.co/rF6D2uK9vS

Day 55

~1.5 hours altogether today. Had enough by 5 AM. Neck was already hurting (slept poorly); so got some shoulder pain yay πŸ₯³

Started on the strumming pattern too. Hoping to put it to the chords tomorrow.

Day 55/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Skbo61q9m3

Day 56

Spent most of my energy packing for the impending move likely to happen in July, so didn't get as far as I wanted. Managed to put the strumming pattern to the main chords though!

Concentration face is back πŸ’€

Final progression not toooooo bad.

56/100 Days of Music https://t.co/5bLuciLb8S

Day 57

Took a break from Wonderwall for today. Learnt the chords to Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day.

Re-recorded as my audio was suddenly low but I fucked up more lmfao. Those mistakes were embarrassing oml but w/e βœ¨πŸ˜†

57/100 Days of Music https://t.co/dXQcASwiMK

Day 58

Spent today tired out of my mind woohoo. Haven't slept in 30 hours. It's bedtime now dw don't @ me.

I failed miserably but I'll do better after rest. *Everything* came out wrong by the last attempt lmfao - here's a sample of Struggle Central 🀣

58/100 Days of Music https://t.co/CFX12t8mm9

Day 59

Marginally better than yesterday but I'll take it. Em to G is killing me so time for more isolated practice xD

Tomorrow I'll attempt it with a pick and maybe get back to Wonderwall.

59/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Xgr6t9ylae

Day 60

Opted to put a dent in Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. Even though my playing was a fairly off by the final attempt 'cause it huuurt - lolol - I can safely say I know the simplified riff :')

60/100 Days of Music https://t.co/lyuu558374

Day 61

*Much* happier with this attempt of yesterday's riff, especially with the finger stretch pain. Also learnt some applied music theory of notes in the open position.

After I consolidate the two songs I get to greet the dreaded F chord. Excite. :D

61/100 Days of Music https://t.co/swe04q6izh

Day 62

Never done this sort of picking before.
Send help πŸ’€πŸ˜†

Going to probs put a pause on this until I reach that level of material in the course. Maybe.

62/100 Days of Music https://t.co/B4OCB7D9eH

Day 63

Okay - so I lied. I worked on the picking pattern xD

Clip has the first time I managed to actually move to the next chord without stopping (even though I screwed up the down stroke lolol). I got better. :D

I'll continue practice while I learn other stuff.

63/100 Days of Music https://t.co/QPPGUz7lbT

Day 64

It's called the F chord for a reason πŸ’€

Advice was to alternate between both guitars I own.

Also can safely say I know the strumming pattern to Wonderwall now. The strings ring/buzz when my fingers get tired. That'll take more time to fix xD

64/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Lnj61xrJuB

Day 65

In short: F F chords xD

The muscles in my hand for these are underdeveloped and will hurt for weeks. Let's goooooo πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

65/100 Days of Music https://t.co/MRdpO3wkLW

Day 66

Nothing major to C here~~

Learning the C Major Scale in open position xD

Time to sleep hot damn am I crashing SO hard >.<

66/100 Days of Music https://t.co/CvSbFQY7Kd

Day 67

I swear to God guitarists who play with the thing propped have major arm strength wtf xD Was not expecting that.

Pretty much just did this until my wrist and fingers couldn't take it anymore.

67/100 Days of Music https://t.co/cGq7k4Qtxv

Day 68

Gonna struggle with Californication for a while, it looks like. FINGER, GO FLATTER DAMMIT XD With the lack of streeeetch I keep going over into the other fret >_>

68/100 Days of Music https://t.co/QfKSt9nMjy

Day 69 nice

Started on chords to House of the Rising Sun. Won't learn it with fingerstyle until later. Mainly getting through chord progression sets containing F chords :D

69 (nice)/100 Days of Music https://t.co/UGQaTCvxOT

Day 70

After a day of walking 7km around a freakin' lake + microrave, memorising the final chord progression is about all I could manage. Strumming was just off, so were the chords. Again, tomorrow!

uuugh can't wait to sleep.

70/100 Days of Music https://t.co/eExSK0bgq0

Day 71

Experimenting with fingerstyle, flat picking, and rake picking on House of the Rising Sun. Seems that with finger anything I just can't swap to the chords fast enough without looking at them >.<


71/100 Days of Music https://t.co/zS3bbqfjzT

Day 72

I reckon one or two more days with House of the Rising Sun, and then more Californication before I move onto the next module. ^^ Also still need to play the C Major scale from memory.

72/100 Days of Music https://t.co/OIxjiHpHeH

Day 73

My day was ✨shite✨ and my emotional temperament a mere ~sliver~ of what it usually comprises so today is THE BARE MINIMUM - okay love you bye <3

73/100 Days of Music https://t.co/U8zgYzFwJe

Day 74

Forgot the whole intro so I had to relearn it πŸ’€ Might have the energy to do multiple sessions a day now.


74/100 Days of Music https://t.co/XDQUDWwQPq

Day 75

Making sure I knew the C Major scale from memory was the last thing I had to tick off before the next module xD Boring to watch but w/e.

Also hit 100+ on my ladyofchord TikTok account, so major thanks to everyone who supported πŸ₯°

75/100 Days of Music https://t.co/iRaIxCv5Jf

Day 76

I admit alternate picking the C Major scale was more difficult than I thought πŸ’€

76/100 Days of Music https://t.co/0WNW9aNhpZ

Day 77

Started La Bamba, the push strumming pattern, first finger A chord, major scale improvisation, hammer-ons, and picked my song for this module. Just the first two in the clip.

Won't get F chord right for a while so I'll play it how I can 'til I get it.

77/100 Days of Music https://t.co/rwnf30X44I

Day 78

Woohoo La Bamba struggle. I think one more day of solid practice and it'll be passable xD

78/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Kvev7cFbjV

Day 79

Learnt about sus chords. Experimented a bit. Did some song practice too but that isn't in the clip.

Three weeks left. And then 100 Days of Writing starts on September 1st. πŸ’€ Join us writing in Atlantis or do your own 100 Day Challenge, if you like!

79/100 Days of Music https://t.co/kE4cDzEcoV

Day 80

Started learning fingerstyle again, did some musical listening skill practice, and began memorising some popular chord progressions (clip):

C G Am F
Am F C G
C Am F G
Dm G C Am

F's still an f'ing major pain AHAHAHA πŸ’€

80/100 Days of Music https://t.co/hsitVLC3aa

Day 81

Learnt some dice songwriting (don't ask lmfao), did song practice, and I'm going back to House of the Rising Sun for fingerstyle practice.

Ended up exhausted so just gave it a rest :')

81/100 Days of Music https://t.co/zE23mTE6qd

Day 82

Can't swap between C and D without looking and it's frustrating tf out of me πŸ˜†

82/100 Days of Music https://t.co/QCCtGLuDwP

Day 83

Not giving up on the other one, but decided to start something to make myself happy today xD

83/100 Days of Music https://t.co/gXGhEUFeVt

Day 84

Spent today cooking and hanging at a friend's place and got back in the AM so... Learnt the next tiiiiny bit. Need way more practice with it :')

84/100 Days of Music https://t.co/fxAOKpOqUt

Day 85

Next tiny part. I'll get the pull-off eventually :')

Exhausteddd. And will be in the office/not home for most of the next couple of days so... We'll see how my energy levels go.

85/100 Days of Music https://t.co/FOfOtzr4iR

Day 86

The notes aren't clear and the timing is off but w/e; I'm JUST about satisfied that I can even remember that sequence with my level of exhaustion >.<

86/100 Days of Music https://t.co/00VZFwCiyQ

Day 87

Still working on my songs but wanted to move on; learning the A Minor Pentatonic scale now.

87/100 Days of Music https://t.co/fdyIUbbHz1

Day 88

Sometimes I just have to admit both the brain and the fingers are tired and be done for the dayπŸ˜†

I'd practiced chords and songs while chatting at a meetup before coming back to fingerstyle - which I should've done fiiiirst πŸ’€

88/100 Days of Music https://t.co/IajtM8O3TD

Day 89

Mostly theory today and a bunch of videos - power chords, wtf distortion is, and palm muting. Need to do a looooot of practice for this module >.<

So yeah. Trying power chords for the first time.

89/100 Days of Music https://t.co/MpK9e0nrMh

Day 90

Aiyaaa 10 days left. My fingers do not have the stretch for this but I'mma practice until I make 'em πŸ’€

Picking up Mom in a few hours so probs won't finish the riff (poorly) until Sunday. I promise I'll play in daylight with distortion eventually xD

90/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Y1peeMKW3h

Day 91

Started using effects through the amp! This way I can experiment before buying a bunch of pedals πŸ’€

Crap. Gonna be singing this to myself on stream for a week solid now πŸ˜†

91/100 Days of Music https://t.co/GiPewmU25O

Day 92

Decided to follow the 'easy' version. I've been avoiding approaching certain songs until I'm able to learn it the 'proper' way.

That attitude hinders progress. 'Progress > perfection' should apply even here, O nublet guitarist.

92/100 Days of Code https://t.co/3Ci5eiIASn

Day 93

Power chord sliding for a noob is no joke πŸ˜… Is the song sorta recognisable through the chords? :3

Strumming pattern tomorrow.

93/100 Days of Music https://t.co/4Uuvun6hHd

Day 94

Apparently I should be playing the verses with the two-finger version, and the 'bigger' parts with distortion with larger chords (if playing alone with no bass).

Up neck = closer to body?

I have reached the point where I need a pedal πŸ’€

94/100 Days of Music https://t.co/ncIIVq2JS8

Day 95

Received terrible news today and didn't feel like doing much so learnt the chord progression to Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men.

Everything else was just too much effort.

95/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Nbh78IZRiW

Day 96

Struggle central. Tempted to only practice these chord changes until I can manage this strumming pattern with the speed and accuracy it needs πŸ˜‡

idk how I'm gonna quadruple the speed but I'll get there eventually πŸ˜†

96/100 Days of Music https://t.co/UFO9RHyewc

Day 97

Turns out practicing the F chord here makes the 'cheat' versions easier. Who'd have thought πŸ˜†

Still struggle central but the frequency of faster changes is going up, so... I am content. Hello content.

also oops the capo is skew >_>

97/100 Days of Music https://t.co/Znh8Fqn3FL

Day 98

I think I'm getting the F chord a bit more comfortably now, and sounds better more often, though still slow af.

Not in this clip though. It's from the end of practice and fairly meh :'D

98/100 Days of Music https://t.co/rEyydfezWy

Day 99

Honestly, I kinda just wanted one of my shittier examples of practice up here before the 100 Day Challenge is over xD

I'd noticed I was strumming incorrectly as well as fucking up the chords. Tried until everything just noped out.

Bedtime. πŸ˜†

99/100 Days of Music https://t.co/jO9JnKaGRL

Day 100

I have a confession.

I called it 100 Days of Music because I was also learning to sing. I didn't wanna post it, but know I did that too :')

lol imagine if 100/100 Days just became 1 again because... Well, nerds, you get it πŸ˜†

Recap in a day or two!

100/100 Days of Music https://t.co/giQoUn123I

Day 101

Was asked for a before/after/progress video, so here's a rough edit of 100 Days of Music on YouTube:


Day 102

This is for everyone who encouraged me during 100 Days of Music.

I figured now was as good a time as ever to start getting tf over my self-consciousnessπŸ’€ So... Talking for the first time.

Sorry for being awkward/nervous; as a result I missed out some names - will tag you <3 https://t.co/FzdEnDyhpY