100 Days of Writing

Day 0

I did my prep for this one on stream. More here:


Day 1

1/100 Days of Writing

It starts today!

I did my planning on stream - here it is:


You're welcome to join us in Atlantis for writing, or any 100 Days Challenge πŸ”₯


Here's my starting list of writing tips:

Day 2

2/100 Days of Writing

It turns out I had 9 drafts just chilling in my editorπŸ’€

I picked one, rewrote it an apparent third time, and chucked it into the Hemingway Editor. I have concerns -


Day 3

Installed Grammarly and edited a second article draft. I don't know whether it's a good idea to be working on more than one in parallel. I've already missed the first deadline I set for myself, but I honestly didn't have the energy for much today πŸ’€

3/100 Days of Writing

Day 4

All I managed to do was to draft the ending to an article.

You'll see it soon πŸ’€

4/100 Days of Writing

Day 5

I kept mulling over it and changing and editing and eventually, I just... Published it. So here are some thoughts on fringe reasons for the increasing popularity of tech I've used over the past few years πŸ˜†


5/100 Days of Writing

Day 6

Wrote the beginnings of a ranty piece on picking tech for projectsπŸ’€

6/100 Days of Writing

Day 7

Worked on an older draft titled:

'Which programming language should I learn first?'

Ehehehe. My opinion's still the same even though I wrote this a year ago.

And how the heck has it been a week already??

7/100 Days of Writing

Day 8

Low-effort today. Outlined an article about picking and generating projects.

8/100 Days of Writing

Day 9

Got through maybe a paragraph about the impact of design on my personal life. Future article maybe.

Feeling nauseated af so I did the minimum xD

9/100 Days of Writing

Day 10

Started a rant on introversion and extraversion stereotypes.

10/100 Days of Writing

Day 11

Started another article about console methods.

I have too many drafts being worked on in parallel πŸ˜† Next week I'll focus on finishing a few.

11/100 Days of Writing

Day 12

Fleshed out the rest of the lessons learnt from six rounds of 100 Day Challenges >_>

Still feels like I'm missing half of it though πŸ’€ Kinda challenging to focus with deadlines looming and writing something introspective at the same time.

12/100 Days of Writing

Day 13

'Just because a framework makes you feel competent doesn't mean it's objectively the best option.'

I fleshed out a bit of a rant on using frameworks for websites consisting of a single landing page. I might, uh... Reframe later. πŸ’€

13/100 Days of Writing

Day 14

Fleshed out some thoughts on skills I developed through gaming I use in tech.

If I end up with 60 drafts instead of titles at this rate, I won't be unhappy, but I should probs focus on publishing soon xD

14/100 Days of Writing

Day 15

Briefly outlined an article going through developing social skills online.

15/100 Days of Writing

Day 16

Meh day, so some more minimum-ing. Outlined the kind of content I want to put into a newsletter, and some notes on my journey with overcoming social anxiety and shyness (still figuring out from where it stems).

16/100 Days of Writing

Day 17

I wrote a paragraph on coming up with projects at a specific level and that's it for today~

17/100 Days of Writing

Day 18

I needed to rant so I wrote a bit about my detesting the phrase 'work-life balance' and the context that surrounds it.

18/100 Days of Writing

Day 19

Started a draft on preventing burnout. Still want to figure out how people who are neurologically different address it, so perhaps it's time for some research.

19/100 Days of Writing

Day 20

Signed up for the premium features, stay for the targeting of my psyche πŸ’€

More ranting. Emotional week, eh? This time on natural talent being a bs default label when skill, effort, and practice should be acknowledged instead.

20/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/QOWO0t38qJ

Day 21

I used Grammarly to edit a contract template. I think there over one hundred changes >_>

21/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/jrvukFNI2v

Day 22

Wrote some copy for a self-development side project >_>

Yes, another side project. Not coding, haven't bought the domain name (yet), haven't designed anything, it's k. Still safe.

22/100 Days of Writing

Day 23

Wrote a bit about the difference between ideas vs opportunities in the context of picking projects to work on.

23/100 Days of Writing

Day 24

Finally started the article that's essentially a recommended list of resources so I can just link it every time someone asks me 'where do I learn X?'

Whaddaya know, still in rant mode πŸ’€

24/100 Days of Writing

Day 25

I'm finding my feed slowly taken over by marketing and copywriting content and honestly, it's kinda refreshing.

Decided to add some design resources to yesterday's article draft. Why not just chuck in everything people have asked me for over the years...

25/100 Days of Writing

Day 26

Added entrepreneurship and tools+resources sections to my recommendations article.

I'm starting to wonder if this shouldn't be an article anymore. Maybe a Choose your own Adventure type thing, except it's a career path, and still chaotic.

26/100 Days of Writing

Day 27

Churned out a few paragraphs in 15 minutes about my digital minimalism habits.

Huh. Wasn't really expecting that at this level of tiredness, but fuck; I was SO sleepy and now I'm not.

Note to self: do brainwork in the morning pls.

27/100 Days of Writing

Day 28

I was enjoying it, so I wrote more about online habits. I might dig around before publishing anything to see if I can add something of better value.

This article is already getting fairly long.

28/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/0NBPTTgVoc

Day 29

I started an article about the idea > opportunity > venture pipeline and how to make a hand-wavy idea not so hand-wavy anymore, so I could link to that from another article I was writing.

Why am I like this πŸ˜†

btw, 16-hour stream on Saturday!

29/100 Days of Writing

Day 30

[This entry is missing. Probably continued the article from yesterday.

30/100 Days of Writing]

Day 31

Wrote a few points for getting the most value out of your time. Thanks to everyone on stream for participating in the discussion <3

31/100 Days of Writing

Day 32

Noted down some thoughts on what 5+ years of mentoring at a local innovation program has taught me.

Looking forward to turning all of these notes into drafts and those drafts into articles, tbh.

32/100 Days of Writing

Day 33

Started writing about runtimes so I can link that every time I'm talking to a nublet about Node.js >_>

33/100 Days of Writing

Day 34

Oulined an article covering what I do when starting my WordPress projects.

... I just realised I need to redo half of it. XD

34/100 Days of Writing

Day 35

Outlined some notes about mental models. Long day, short writing stint.

35/100 Days of Writing

Day 36

Noted some thoughts down on avoiding leading and loaded questions.

Super busy for the next few days so I'll only get to proper writing next week.

The outlining continues πŸ’€βœ¨

36/100 Days of Writing

Day 37

Today: mainly notes from PAX panels. I'll articulate them after some simmering.

My projects list has lengthened after attending PAX. 🀣

No domain names have been bought...


37/100 Days of Writing

Day 38

PAX notes again! It was almost... Amusing? ... To hear concepts I'm so familiar with being described with different language - and in a video game context, interesting.

I'll be back next year probs πŸ˜†Having a lot of fun! Esp. with the cosplay.

38/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/4IZ7sEvjDW

Day 39

Moar. PAX. Panel. Notes.

Most notable was 'Escape room design for gamers' - it was p. cool to hear from people who build and run them.

I went as Shinobu Kocho πŸ¦‹
Anime nerds waddup ✨

39/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/mhJcxss8kz

Day 40

Wrote a bit about things you should know before learning threejs.

So many drafts, so much to refine πŸ’€

40/100 Days of Writing

Day 41

Yesterday's notes are slowly becoming a draft on threejs prep and ongoing practice.

41/100 Days of Writing

Day 42

Wrote a bit about nomothetic and ideographic approaches in design πŸ™ƒ Need to revisit old notes though so brb on this one xD

42/100 Days of Writing

Day 43

'I love a game that fucks me up' - one of the panelists at PAX xD

I started digiting my PAX notes, though I'll probs wait until the videos are out to publish anything.

43/100 Days of Writing

Day 44

Wireframed and added minimum content to a new project πŸ’€

More on this later after some other key decisions have been made.

44/100 Days of Writing

Day 45

Kinda just did a brain dump today. There was too much swimming around.

45/100 Days of Writing

Day 46

Outlined an article about prioritising managing energy over time. Have a feeling I'll flesh that one out way later.

46/100 Days of Writing

Day 47

'Don't hold onto ideas - don't be precious'.

Typed notes from the PAX panel 'How to start a cult: Designing mechanics around an idea'.

Bet the gamers can guess the name of the video game :3

47/100 Days of Writing

Day 48

'Emotion is at the centre of everything.'

- from a PAX panel of creators of games that made it onto PlayStation.

Mood at 2/10 so typed up more notes. Hoping to start publishing full articles by next week, though!

48/100 Days of Writing

Day 49

Worked on my *lessons learnt from Six 100-Day Challenges* article. S o o n.

Side note: I maintain support networks continue to be heavily underrated. Hugs. Love y'all.

49/100 Days of Writing

Day 50

Did some editing on the stream. Conversation was chill. I might do this with more interesting topics. πŸ˜†

50/100 Days of Writing

Day 51

Bit of editing, not much else. Bleh xD

51/100 Days of Writing

Day 52

Started drafting Twitter threads based on some articles I'm writing. Figured why not.

52/100 Days of Writing

Day 53

Outlined an article on how to find and evaluate learning material. I wrote a small chunk in Atlantis' chat yesterday; I figured I'd rather have an article to link when people ask for resources without having done their own research first.

53/100 Days of Writing

Day 54

My head was a mess, so today was just journalling. Helpful, tbh.

54/100 Days of Writing.

Day 55

Got one of my articles to pre-final draft mode. Hopefully will publish it on Monday.

55/100 Days of Writing

Day 56

Decided to begin the day with editing articles; I accomplished way more than I would have late at night.

I'll try to do the same every morning going forward - at least for the rest of this challenge.

56/100 Days of Writing

Day 57

Funny how I ended up doing literally the opposite the next day πŸ’€

So much for that.

More journalling today. Perhaps I'll have better luck tomorrow.

57/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/KbSuolaPcr

Day 58

Distilled each section of an article into a tweet thread as an exercise in ensuring I captured the points I needed to communicate.

58/100 Days of Writing

Day 59

Edited. Looked into webhooks for Strapi; hell if I'm going to publish my articles on each platform going forward. πŸ˜†

59/100 Days of Writing

Day 60

Took a ton of time; p. much just moved everything over to Obsidian. I expect to be writing more due to the dedicated space on my phone and computer.

... Still have to add the article titles that don't have notes 😩

60/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/kzW58c4H4d

Day 61

Had a Halloween hang-out and finished up late so I'll be drafting this as I fall asleep.

61/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/H4jeenR9uu

Day 62

Fleshed this one out a bit more.

I think making a list of answers to questions I often get asked is a good way to go with my initial set of articles.

62/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/EvSL0bNRKq

Day 63

Yeah so I'm probably going to split this into two articles xD

Glad I did the writing at the beginning of the day tbh. Rock-bottom mood rn let's go.

63/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/F9Sqpd2o3g

Day 64

Added a list of resources to an article. Not gonna get much done for a while but chugging away at this is enough.

More revealed later about my fluctuating sanity ig :3

64/100 Days of Writing

Day 65

Think I have another draft. Posting to Atlantis soon for feedback :3

Lower pressure for this one tbh - mostly talking about choosing a good project. Figured I should be able to link this article in stream chat every time I get asked πŸ’€βœ¨

65/100 Days of Writing

Day 66

Shoved my article through Grammarly and chucked it into Atlantis in draft mode.

Could I just gg now? πŸ˜†

66/100 Days of Writing

Day 67

Implemented the feedback I got.

Either I can publish sooner rather than later, or front-load ~20 articles, so I've got the appearance of a regular cadence; I'd release one article weekly.

What do you think?

67/100 Days of Writing

Day 68

Wrote a bit on scoping and planning projects. Dassit k bye <3

68/100 Days of Writing

Day 69 nice

Unsure if I'll need a third article discussing planning projects that are intended as business ventures (or equivalent). This one is getting a tad... Lengthy.

69 (nice) /100 Days of Writing

Day 70

Eh, wrote a paragraph. Today was a long day but for coding, not writing :3

70/100 Days of Writing

Day 71

Can I not just write down 'your mom' and be done with it?😩

Did a chunk of planning for some initiatives in 2023, and wrote a paragraph in one of my project planning articles.

71/100 Days of Writing

Day 72

Writing's out of the way earlier, so it won't keep me up.

I'm assuming coming up with more topics is normal as one is writing. πŸ˜† Figured I might as well write one on branding side projects for beginners next.

72/100 Days of Writing

Day 73

Every post topic I write now seems to spawn a new one πŸ’€ Help.

73/100 Days of Writing

Day 74

Noted down some differences on personal branding vs some other types I've encountered :3 dunno if there's enough material here but we'll see~

74/100 Days of Writing

Day 75

I didn't expect to write half a page on the whole anti-Monday attitude *thing* in 5 minutes flat but there ya go. Did what I said I was going to do.

Thanks for stream company this evening <3 Opening the laptop together was fun.

75/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/9nom0P8fvr

Day 76

Nearly forgot! Been styling all day.

Not me (I wish!); work.

I thought the irony of writing about revenge bedtime procrastination was apt xD

76/100 Days of Writing

Day 77

'Do I need to be paradigm-agnostic?'
- a question I get asked from nublets in terms of the languages they learn as a developer

Wrote some thoughts for a future post, and happy to take opinions as well 😊

77/100 Days of Writing

Day 78

Wrote a bit more on personal branding but dammit do I not feel like writing today πŸ’€ I just refused to let it keep me up by being the last thing I do today.

Back to coding.

78/100 Days of Writing

Day 79

Perfect thing to happen with a deadline looming: the PC breaks πŸ’€

It's 10 PM. But I'll be fiiiiine.

*gets some writing in about the perils of context switching while Saviour buys distilled water*

79/100 Days of Writing

Day 80

Wrote down some thoughts on the relationship between emotional overhead and our overall cognitive capacity. Will need some research for this one.

20 days left, huh? Damn.

80/100 Days of Writing

Day 81

Wrote a paragraph lamenting the whole 'body language is sooooooo important and we can't judge that online' schtick while I wait for my computer to dry =_=

Glad I pushed everything to the repo not that long ago πŸ˜‡ Sooooo many fixes~

81/100 Days of Writing

Day 82

Wrote a v. quick and dirty outline for Branding Side Projects for Noobs - aimed at people who don't fully understand what a brand is and basically have 0 design knowledge.

Crashing so hard. nn you lovely people you~

82/100 Days of Writing

Day 83

Noted down thoughts on things that impact day-to-day energy and output (within the context of our emotional and mental well-being).

83/100 Days of Writing

Day 84

Stream chat today landed on a p. serious topic - kids roaming around on the internet.

So I monologued a bit about my own experiences and how I'll handle my spawn; a personal post for later on, perhaps.

84/100 Days of Writing

Day 85

P. much added to this. Too tired to do much thinking.

Went to the beach for a walk and it was a good change of pace for a bit ^^ Even though it took like 2.5h to drive there... and then 2.5h back... >_>

85/100 Days of Writing https://t.co/MwMQJrFaVZ

Day 86

Wrote a bit more about making Mondays more pleasant.

I leave in a few days for Melbourne, and then the UK πŸ’€

The days are just slipping away. I still have packing, shopping, cleaning, and prep to do. AHHHH!~

86/100 Days of Writing

Day 87

Added a bit to lessons learnt from mentoring in an entrepreneurship program ^^

87/100 Days of Writing

Day 88

Added a bit to an existing draft about developing social skills online.

The effort feels unsatisfactory. Long day though. So w/e

88/100 Days of Writing

Day 89

P. much only spared time to set up my writing stuff on the laptop because packingggg~

89/100 Days of Writing

Day 90

Thoughts are still brewing, but noted down some feelings about 'qualifiers' for titles e.g. degrees.

Tested streaming too! Not bad for being mobile. Wifi isn't the greatest so my VODs are chopped up, but otherwise it's... P. good for not being home.

90/100 Days of Writing

Day 91

Wahhh just want the last 10 days to be overrrr πŸ’€

Added a bit to my lessons learnt from six rounds of 100 Days challenges draft.

91/100 Days of Writing

Day 92

Long day. Good day. But not too much time for writing; noted down some key ingredients to building a social community that actually feels like one.

92/100 Days of Writing

Day 93

Unwell, but did the writing anyway; this time some notes on when software is shit for productivity

93/100 Days of Writing

Day 94

Started writing about shifting comfort zones but ended up with an emotional brain dump on the way to the airport.

94/100 Days of Writing

Day 95

Made use of awake plane time. Sorted through my posts to start planning release order for next year. I'm looking at one a week.

Soooo... 52 posts, let's go? :3 I can probs get that many first drafts out. Editing takes me forever, though.

95/100 Days of Writing

Day 96

*steps out of plane*


Spent most of the flight asleep, but got in some writing on planning and scoping projects plus getting to grips with the Kanban plugin in Obsidian.

96/100 Days of Writing

Day 97

Drafted some ranty notes on software screwing with productivity.

Tired out of my mindddddd. Shifting timezones 11 hours isn't the easiest xD

97/100 Days of Writing

Day 98

otw home from London I looked at one of my older drafts on digital minimalism and *man* is it all over the place. Started restructuring.

98/100 Days of Writing

Day 99

Added some thoughts on forced productivity to my Lessons Learnt from 100-Day Challenges post i.e. the consequences and effect of working on days where quality will clearly be low.

99/100 Days of Writing

Day 100

Ended up writing reams in a discussion about topics ranging from diminishing empathy to altruism; turned those into notes about appreciating the good for a future post.

Whew, that was an exhausting 100 Days. Not just the writing; everything.

100/100 Days of Writing